Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Session 59 of the 2019 season: Harsens Island Wild Rodeo

3:40 PM on Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Harsens Island Wild Rodeo
9M conditions to start. Rode upwind into the misty rain to the middle channel slicks.
Once there the rain stopped and the wind ramped up to 40 mph with very gusty conditions. Instantly I was way over my head with the wind speeds. Time to head back to revaluated my situation. Once back safely on land I decided to end the session for safety reasons.
Ugly conditions, thick clouds, misty rain and 45-49 degrees and west to west northwest winds.

Gear:  9M with TT
Winds: Up to 40 mph
Weather:  ugly, grey, misting, cold
TOW: 1.5 hours

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