Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Day 54 of the 2016 season: Lexington - lite breeze with strapped surf board and the 13M Z kite

Another day with travel and lite wind results. Actually the forecast wasn't that promising so we took a gamble.
Lexington was reading 15-20 and that got Craig and I committed. 
It felt like it was 12-18 mph at best.
Got out the strapped Mako Duke surf board and used it with my 13M Z kite. Really just mowing the lawn but a good opportunity to get use to the surf board. just going heelside out and toeside in no switching the feet attempted. Needed practice and I got on the water...

TOW:    Barley an hour 3:30-4:30 (had to record this session because of the rare use of the Duke board
Gear:     Mako Duke strapped board with 13 M Z kite
Water Conditions:  Inside flat out side 1-2 foot swell
Weather:   upper 60s and sunny
Wind:   12-18 mph from the NNE
Highlights: Rode the surfboard with straps in a light breeze with the 13M kite.

Wind Data from Port Sanilac looks like the wind we had at Lexington. 

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