Started the day at Frankfort, meeting Craig and Jerry Paul there. Waiting for the forecasted wind, which never materialized so we went to find wind. Headed to Pt. Betsy where it looked windier but we didn't want to risk launching here. On to Esch beach where it looked kitable but Craig didn't want to do the walk to find a decent launch. Finally to Empire beach where we decided to launch by the Bar Lake creek where there was a little more beach. I rigged my 13M Z first and immediately realized the light looking conditions were down low only. Plenty of wind up top - could of used my 11. Powered down the 13 and it worked. Lofty conditions with the winds being up high - good jumps. Did an upwinder to the bluff so I could do a downwinder back - only problem was there hardly any waves on the inside. One of the flattest days I've kited here at Empire Beach.
Finally around 7:30 wind appeared to shift SSE so we came in and called it a day.
Beauty of a sunset at Empire Beach with 75 degrees |
TOW: 5:30-7:30
Gear: 13M Z
Water Conditions: SSW small swell, not much on the inside or outside
Weather: Clear to cloudy, 80ish degrees
Wind: 10-30 SSW
Highlights: Surprised to ride at all - very uncharacteristic flat water. Much more wind up top.
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