Friday, August 5, 2016

Day 42 of the 2016 season: Crazy forecast ignored - just showed up and rode

After my early morning bicycle training I went for breakfast and then to the beach.
Lite winds from 10-20 mph greeted me. So I rigged the 13M Z kite and just mowed the lawn until it lightened up just before a rain squall hit. The rain squall hit the area and killed the wind. So I waited around got lunch, ate lunch and by then it was up to 11M conditions. A solid 11M session with 20-25 MPH winds from 2:00 - 6:00 when the wind died off after another rain squall hit.
Fun day at least 20 kiters at the peak.

TOW:  10:30 - 12:00 and 2:00 - 6:00
Gear:  First session 13M Z. Second session used the recently repaired 11M Z with TT board
Water Conditions:    Typical LSC chop
Weather:   Sunny near 90 degrees
Wind:    First session steady but lite 13 M southerlies and second session nearly perfect steady 11M
Highlight: No wetsuit for the first time this year

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