Thursday, September 3, 2020

Session 30 of the 2020 season: Quickie Platte River Wave Session

3:06 PM on Thursday, September 3, 2020

Quickie Platte River Wave Session

A short but sweet session.

Used my 11M because it was in the 9M bag. I didn’t want to waste time walking back to retrieve my 9. Needless to say I was lite on it. Side shore WNW winds to 30 plus. On shore clean swells to play on. I made 4 top turns and 4 bottom turns on one single Lake Michigan!

As luck would have it the wind ramped up to 35+mph after 30 minutes. I struggled to land the kite and out of nowhere Bill shows up to catch and secure my kite..thanks Bill, saved my life and kite.

Would of rigged the 7 but an evening with friends was in the plans.

Bill, Russ, myself and 2 others.

Tomorrow will bring more!

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