Saturday, May 30, 2020

Session 17 of the 2020 season: Kite Harsens Island, better than expected

1:13 PM on Saturday, May 30, 2020                                      
Kite Harsens Island, HI (better than expected)
Solid 11-13m for most of the time. Mostly sunny, mid-60s.
Flew my 13m with my TT board and later with the surf board.
John, 14m, Chris 11m, Keith 12m.
The slider rope on my harness line came loose and I was riding/surviving unhooked. As I was headed in to safety land the kite I got hit by a gust and got yanked off my board. Without the ability to control the kite pull I gave up trying to retrieve the board and decided to body drag to shallow water. There I could reconfigure my bar and get hooked in. I did that and got control of the kite.
Then I saw Keith coming out to help. I landed the kite in the water and he grabbed it and walked it in for me.
Once on shore I put the alert for a lost board. John jumped into action and windsurfed out to find it. It was blown into the weeds a short distance from the landing.
Lesson learned: the stopper knot pulled through the eyelet on my harness. I put a new slider line on and it was thinner then the old line. I tied 2 stopper knots at the end of it but it still stretched out and pulled through.
Thanks to Keith and John for the assistance, good deeds will not go unnoticed.
Ended up kiting with the surf board as the winds lightened up a bit.
Overall a good day for the desperados.

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