On my way up to Empire I stopped at Lake Cadillac.
Rigged the 13M kite in 2 feet plus of heavy wind packed snow, with water underneath.
Launched at the east end of the lake near Katie’s apt.
Kited for about an hour with mostly heavy wind packed snow. A few bare spots of crunchy stuff and a lot of hard pack heavy drifts. Session was marginal, winds steadily got lighter. Toward the end I hit some water which instantly froze on my board bottom and ended the session. Luckily I was near the launch and I was able to make it back with out having to walk.
Gear: 13M Z-kite with Burton TT
Weather: Brutally cold, mostly cloudy, 10 degrees, winds 10-20 mph from the NW
Surface: Deep heavy wind blown packed snow with slush underneath.