Path of downwinder |
Forecast looked promising for a classic nor'easter at Lexington. It was plenty windy enough for my
Lexington wind data |
9M Z when I arrived so I rigged and launched and enjoyed a half hour of good 9M conditions. Making one downwind down the line wave run. After that I struggled to get back upwind as the wind was dissipating quickly. Came in and rigged the 13M Z, having better results with the bigger kite.
Eventually the wind speed started picking up I signaled to Craig and he got back out on his 12, Chris showed up on his 12 and strapless Mako Duke.
At Chris's insistence of "lets do a downy" I caved in and accepted the challenge, although I didn't trust the wind, we were heading to Port Sanilac. Chris, Craig and myself got to Sanilac and it looked and felted windier. So I rig my 11 Z1 and Chris, Craig on 12s.
Launched in the Harbor and enjoyed some slicks as we waited for Chris.
WE left the harbor and started the downwinder. Good runs some down the line waves close to the inside, after spotting boulders and rocks I shied away form the close inside turns.
After 1.5 hours and 20 miles we reached the Lexington Harbor.
It turned out to be a fun near epic downwinder - I thought I could of used more wind I was surprised how good it was with what seemed like just enough wind. A couple of times I couldn't get out of a jam due to lite conditions but overall a near epic experience. Thanks to Chris for his insistence of doing the downwinder.
Topped it off with dinner and beers at the Theater Inn with Alan, Billy and Craig
GPS data |
T.O.W. 10:30 - 11:00 9M Z, 12:00 - 3:00, 13M Z, 3:45 - 5:15 downwinder 11M Z1
Gear: All 3 kites rigged and used
Water Conditions: slicks near the breakwall to mellow waves during the downwinder
Weather: mostly sunny, mid 60s
Wind: N-NNE 15-30 mph
Highlights: Downwinder from Port Sanilac to Lexington on 11M Z1 kite