Really hard to get motivated today, gray skies, squally winds and cold water. And coming back from 17 days of bliss in the OBX.
Once on site at Metro the winds were up/down from the SW. Larry, 5.5 and Harry, 6.5 were on it then off it. Some big kites, 12, 13 meters were working while smaller ones, 9, 10 meters were not. Hmmm... what to do. I could rig the 5.5 and slog and blast or rig the 11 meter kite and see what happens.
I choose to kite with the 11 meter. Rigged at the beach with ugly looking and stinkin water. Lots of dead biological material on the beach, ugg! Had to wade thru this to get out to the less debris filled water.
Once out the winds were fluky and gusty to say the least. Working the kite in the rolling waves, I actually got off a few carves/turns in the wave troughs, never done that before. Riding the waves, WOW what fun!
After 45 minutes of this enjoyment the wind and the chop increased to the point of being uncomfortable and scary with a sort of lofting feeling with no control. Fully depowered by then and putting the kite near 12 o'clock just to try to get in. The chop and kite angle caused my board to lose it's grip causing me to slip out and crash often. Thought about QR but didn't want the kite to fall in the decomposing biological debris field and collect all of the dead stuff on the lines. Finally struggled to the beach and successfully self-landed the kite safely and all was well.
Actually suffered some eye issue after all was done. Suspect water gushed into my eye causing some fogginess vision. Rinsed with eye drops at home and by night time it appeared to clear up.
Highlight of the day: The Swell to play in and overpowered out of control feeling
TOW: 1.00 hour
Gear: 11 meter
Conditions: Some organized swell with gusty conditions
Weather: cold, cloudy, 52 degrees, water 45 degrees
Wind: SW winds 10-30
Schooled: After OBX flat water the LSC chop was an eye opener.
Image: Dawg, Hawg and Bart on 12 meter