Happy Easter Sunday 4/8/2012, Blue Lagoon
A short session between Easter brunch at my beautiful daughter's compound and dinner at my hospitable in-laws.
After leaving my daughter's house, getting home, loading up with minimum gear, driving to Blue Lagoon, (all lights were green and slow drivers moved out of my way without a toot or a flash). Arrived at the Laguna around 2:15 rigged the 4.5 with the 85 liter got the rubber on and got on the water by 2:30. Wam bam thank you mam...
Well worth the extraordinary effort of racing to and fro just for an hour and a half of TOW.
Felt good to burn off some excessive sugar calories and at the same time have some endorphins populate my bloodstream.
Much more confidence built up with this being my second session along with very comfortable air and water conditions. I didn't mind trying more difficult moves, knocking off some full planning ducks on both tacks with one very tight jibe in between the tight swell. The new board can be a tight forgiving turner, that is poor technique can still get you a nice tight jibe.
The mostly steady winds were from the WNW, 10 to 40 mph estimated speed.
The 4.5 Ezzy Freewave handled it well.
The normal crew were there sailing sub 4.5s to 5.5s.
Session: 1.5 hour of time on the water between 2:30 and 4:00.
Gear: 4.5 Ezzy Freewave, 85 liter JP FSW.
Conditions: Fairly steady side shore winds with small swell in some spots.
Weather: Air 60's, bluebird sky, water 50 degrees.
Wind: WNW up to 35-40 mph estimated.
Schooled: Catching up to where I left off late last season Duck jibes, fast tacks and some nice jumps.
Images: Gear of the day 4.5 Freewave, JP 85 and MB's action photo.
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