Wednesday 11/9/2011, Metro Beach
Arrived onsite at 2:00 with an onshore wind, already there were several windsurfers on the water all with 5.5 to 6.0s.
Kind of strange such big sails for the wind at hand. Lesson 1: Onshore winds always look and feel windier.
I figured a 5.5 would work for me so I rigged the 5.5 Ezzy with the 101 RRD and went out for a spin. Good consistent wind kept me planning decently for about 45 minutes. At that time the wind picked up a notch and I felt the 5.0 and 84 liter kit would work. So I came in and changed kits the 5.0 combo was slightly marginal at first but I had a feeling the wind would increase.
As a big black cloud came in from the south it made for a dramatic sunset. At the same time the winds steadily increased to perfect 5.0 conditions and I was finally able to make it to the outside. The low sun produced a beautiful color and as the water spray blew up it the air beautiful rainbows formed all around me.
Wind steadily increased and I sailed as long as I could see. A post sunset cruise with the sun way below the horizon by the time I got off the water.
Luckily I came in when I did the wind ramped up quickly with the Weather Talker reporting gusts of 40 to 50 miles per hour soon after 6:00 pm.
A fantastic late fall or early winter session with 60 degrees air and water at least 50 degrees very comfortable conditions for November.
Session: 2:30 – 5:45
Gear: 5.5 Ezzy, 101 RRD and 5.0 Ezzy Free Wave, 84 liter JP.
Conditions: Onshore winds with small organized swell.
Weather: Air 60 degrees, partly cloudy, water 50 degrees.
Wind: S-SW up to 30 estimated.
Schooled: Playing in and out of the tiny somewhat organized swell.
Image: Gear for the day and Metro Beach Weather Talker Data.
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