Sunday 10/2/2011, Blue Lagoon
It actually happened on the weekend!
For me day 2 of sub 5.0 conditions. For some day 3 of small gear conditions.
Started out with the 5.0 but after an hour the winds of change made me rig to my rarely used 4.5.
It looked like the early 1990's on the water I had to constantly watch out for other windsurfers. So many on the water at one time it reminded my of the early 90s. Through out the day I suspect at least 20 windsurfers made an appearance.
Welcome the Cass Lake speed crew, a few notched some "unthinkable" speeds on some of the voodoo chop.
Almost a "Copy and Paste" from Saturday. With the exception of more west appearing through out the day.
Another blockbuster almost epic day for the Lagoon with the steadiest 4.5 conditions I have ever had at the Lagoon. A tad lighter then Saturday still had non stop action.
Some voodoo chop with the slightly on-shore conditions but also to be found were some great little meaty swells for carving up.
Rigging was consistent for the up to 20 windsurfers 4.5s to 5.0s sail sizes.
I rigged my 5.0 then down to 4.5 with my 84 liter JP, I got to use my favorite wave fin due to the weeds "not a problem" day.
Suited up with the O'Neill "Boost" drysuit, I love this drysuit. Several catapults and head first plants and again barely a drop trickled in through the neck seal.
The sessions had non-stop action from locating tiny swell to slash and bash to heading out with a slight wind direction change to hit the chop head on resulting in some decent hops.
Session: 1:00 - 5:00
Gear: 5.0 - 4.5 Ezzys, 84 liter JP
Conditions: Inside some organized swells, outside almost the same with occasional confused swell.
Weather: Air 50-55 degrees, bluebird most of the day, water 57 degrees.
Wind: N-NNW between 20-30 mph estimate
Schooled: Slashing and bashing small thick swells.
Moves of day: 2 big time catapults, high wind helitacks.
Images: On the Inside (Photo by Ron) and Lac St Clair Buoy (Iwindsurf.com).
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