Monday 10/24/2011, Blue Lagoon
Arrived at 3:30 with Larry, Harry, Steve and Jeff on the water all with 6.5s.
Steve came in and reported wind conditions on the outside were huge for his 6.5. Millard and I couldn't figure out what sail size to rig with big inside gusts and reports from the outside.
I ended up rigging the 5.0 and 5.5 went out first with the 5.5 and 100 liter RRD board figuring the inside was lite and I needed volume to get out to the wind. Millard rigged a 5.0 and easily made it work.
After an hour with steady strong winds on the outside and sailing the 5.5 I came in and exchanged my gear for the sportier smaller gear.
Sailed and played on the small well organized swell for about 1.5 hours until the wind got less consistent.
Another great October sunny bluebird 60 degree windy day, not many like this left so you got to grab these days at whatever the cost.
Session: 4:00 – 6:30
Gear: 5.5 Ezzy SE, RRD 100 liter. 5.0 Ezzy Free Wave, 84 liter JP.
Conditions: Inside, flats with fluky side shore winds. Outside, organized fun swell with winds to 30 mph.
Weather: Air 60 degrees, Bluebird sky, water 55 degrees.
Wind: NW-W up to 30 estimated.
Schooled: Slashing the swell, hero jibes on the smooth outside swell.
Move of day: Fully planning duck jibes on the outside.
Image: Gear for the day.