Wednesday 3/28/2012, Blue Lagoon
After 10 days of record heat more typical of the July doldrums then mid March. Cool weather fronts finally moved in and cooled it down to a normal March even bringing some much needed spring winds.
Although to cold for me throughout the week Wednesday saw some sun and temperatures in the mid 60s.
Got to Blue Lagoon about 2:30 with a WNW wind calling for the 4.0.
Got rigged with my new stick, 2011 JP 85 FSW board.
Up and down typical side shore wind conditions at Blue Lagoon. Perfectly powered when wind was up desperately under power when wind was down. Later on the wind did get steadier and gave out reward points for those who were rigged right.
Up to 8 of the regular windsurfers made an apperance throughout the afternoon.
Sail sizes ranged from 4.0 - 5.5.
The new board is an improvement over the 2005 JP 84 FSW. Shorter, slightly wider, felt lighter, a better jumper, but what really amazed was how easy it is to set the rails without burying them. On the small swell I was able to set a long length of the rail and turn without sinking it and slowing down. Kind of a new experience for me. Can't wait for some bigger smoother swell to see how it handles for me.
Session: 3 hour of time on the water between 2:30 and 6:00.
Gear: 4.0 Ezzy, 85 liter JP FSW.
Conditions: Gusty side shore winds with small swell in some spots.
Weather: Air 60's and dropping, partly cloudy, water 45 degrees.
Wind: WNW up to 35 mph estimated.
Schooled: First time out since November of 2011. Played it very conservative.
Images: My new stick